Kait Around The Kingdom

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Disney Tips

My Rope Drop Rundown

If you’re looking to make the most of your day at Disney, it’s always best to try and arrive for Rope Drop. Early bird gets the worm, right? There’s no better phrase to describe the benefit of making it to a Disney Park for Rope Drop! What is Rope Drop? Rope Drop is another name for the moment when a Disney Park opens for the day.  Rope Drop is something that happens daily at each of the four parks in Walt Disney World. If you think Rope Drop might be right for your  ...

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Disney Parks

The Ultimate Epcot Bucket List

The vacation planning continues with The Ultimate Epcot Bucket List. Between Future World and World Showcase, there is a lot to see and do while visiting this park. With festivals, tours, and oh so much food, you’ll want to take a look at this list of over 80 things to do while in Epcot! *This post was originally written in 2017, but has been updated as of March 20, 2021* First things first, picture with Spaceship Earth. Blast off to Mars on Mission: SPACE. Try both Green Mission  ...

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Disney Parks, Disney Tips

How to make your birthday in Disney even COOLER

A birthday is an important day. What better way to spend it than at Walt Disney World?! Back in April, we celebrated my brother’s birthday in Disney, and it was truly a magical time! Disney has a way of making you feel like royalty when you’re celebrating something BIG like a birthday. When I think of celebrating in Walt Disney World, I think of their celebration buttons that are available at Guest Services in front of any park! While this button is known to come with perks, on  ...

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Disney Food, Disney Parks

My Flower & Garden Favorites: Food

The older I get, the more I appreciate Epcot and what is has to offer. I remember the first time I was in Walt Disney World for Flower and Garden Festival back in 2011. When I compare that trip to my experience with Flower and Garden Festival this year, it’s amazing to see how much the event has grown and changed over the years! Flower and Garden Festival brings out all of the beautiful things about spring: vibrant colors, magical topiaries, and fresh ideas. Like anything else with  ...

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