Kait Around The Kingdom

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Disney Movies

Disney Movies

Ten Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Disney’s Dumbo

On this day in 1941, Dumbo was released into theaters! Today the Disney classic turns 77 and I’m here to share ten things you probably didn’t know about this famous film. Walt’s Favorite Disney Movie Walt claimed that Dumbo would always hold a special place in his heart! That from the start Dumbo was a “happy picture.” Although Walt later loved this Disney classic, when it was first pitched to him he wasn’t interest in creating it. Joe Grant and  ...

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Disney Style

Nice Ascot

“Love Your Leg Warmers!” – Ken “Nice Ascot!” – Barbie When Nick and I decided we would attend our first Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party on our recent Disney trip, we immediately started to hunt for the perfect costume idea. Carl & Ellie, Lady & The Tramp, Simba & Nala… the Disney couple costume possibilities are endless! As we made our way through the list, there was one idea that we knew would be perfect. Barbie and Ken  ...

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Disney Lifestyle

Decades of Disney Animation

Disney has been such a constant for almost ninety years now, that it’s hard to imagine a time before the magical company! Creating landmarks in animation history like Steamboat Willie, the first animation synchronized to sound, Walt Disney and his company were always pushing the envelope in the entertainment industry. Disney classic movies have been stealing our hearts since 1937! From creating the first full-length animated feature film with color and sound in the Golden Age to  ...

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Disney Style

Pidge in the Park

There’s a great big hunk of world down there, with no fence around it.  Cheers to 63 years! One of my childhood favorites was released on this day back in 1955. From the iconic Siamese cats to the romantic spaghetti date scene, Lady and the Tramp will always hold a place in my heart. When I saw that this anniversary was coming up, I knew I had to put together a little Disneybound inspired by my favorite character from the film — Lady! (You can check out my other Disneybounds  ...

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